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Waterside Short Mat Bowls Club AGM 2024

This years AGM will be held Friday 18th October 18.00 for 18.30 start.
Normal place. The QEII pavilion Thornbury Avenue Blackfield SO45 1YQ
If you cannot attend, please send in a note of apologies to any committee member.  

Aussie Pairs League.

Find yourself a playing partner and put your names on the list on the notice board.
We need 6 teams. On the notice board you will find the rules of the game, nothing hard, just a bit of fun. Starts 17th May. You got to be in it to win it.
Update. The results of the Aussie Pairs are on the Competition News Page

Monies raised and a donation to Oakhaven Hospice

From the start of the season and over Christmas the club has raised money for their chosen charity the Oakhaven Hospice by having raffles, donations at Christmas instead of sending cards to all. Fund Raiser, Grace Howard made a visit to the club to accept a cheque from the club for £500.00. Then at the clubs Presentation & Skittles evening the raffle raised £56.00
So, total raised so far £745.65 in less than 6 months! Not bad from a little club.

W.S.M.B.C. and Grace Howard
W.S.M.B.C. and Grace Howard

Triples Friendly Away to Bursledon 29th June 

We need nine or more players to play, extra players can play half a game, if you are interested, put your name on the list on the notice board. Format same as last year, nine ends, stop for a cup of tea and a bit of cake, then play next nine ends.

Friday Roll up now changed to 19.00-21.00 for the summer season

 Presentation & Skittles Night, Friday 12th April 2024 @ 18.00

 A pleasant evening was had at the CIU Club Hythe. Lovely food from the Fish and Chip Shop. Players received their winning and runners up competition prizes, these were presented by Dave Renyard. Terry Benham was top Men's Skittles whilst Elaine Wills was top lady. Sophie Bradley won the Skittles Killer round.
Pictures of the Winners and Runners Up can be seen the Hall of Fame Page.   

Monday Bowls Roll Up times back to normal
Now the knockout competitions have come to a conclusion, Mondays Roll Up is
back to its normal time of 14.00-16.00.

Wednesday Roll up new time 10.00-12.30
We have extended the time on a Wednesday by half an hour, this is to allow a decent time for bowling plus you still get a your tea break!! But don't think this is to extend "natter" time!! 

Lunch at Dibden Golf Club Wednesday 20th March 13.00
Two Course Lunch including tea or coffee. Please see the list on the Noticeboard, stick you name down and your choice of food. Please pay Sandra or Sue, need to get food order in. 

Gordon Beere Trophy Saturday 2nd March 2024
Yes, we are off to sea, well across the Solent anyway to do battle with Victoria Park SMBC at their place. We have held the Trophy since 2020 (including the lockdown) and hope to keep it for another year, will let you know how it goes.  

Christmas Coffee Morning 2023
On Wednesday 20th December 2023 we had our traditional Coffee Morning, players had a free roll up for an hour or so. Then sit down to lovely mince pies, coffee and a chat. Also members had brought in Sandwiches, Cream Fancies, Cheese Straws and Sausage Rolls. This all went down well.
There was a Prize Draw for each member attending, pull out a ticket and that prize was yours!
A 100 square draw for a Super Christmas Hamper supplied by one of the Committee Members was drawn. The winner was Pat Nicolson. A bottle of Bells Whisky was auctioned off for £16.00 going to Dave Renyard.
At the beginning of December, several members had the good idea of not sending individual cards but send a Christmas card to the club and put a donation into the charity tin.

Total of £116.00 was raised on the day for this years, clubs chosen charity, Oakhaven Hospice.

A special thank you to Emma, Sandra, Lesley, Joan, Heather and Bart for providing such a lovely Christmas Fayre. If anyone was not mentioned, then thank you as well.
Lastly, a big thank you to Alan & Bart who are always on hand to pull the mats out.     

New Forest Rotary Defibs in Action at QEII Pavilion Blackfield  18th November 2023

On the day, both sessions were attended well, but with a few spaces. The training was given by  three Instructors, telling the participants about CPR and how to operate a Defibrillator "This is how it happens." What to look out for, what to do next and "Don't panic until after". People said after the training, they felt more confident should they ever need to help a person in need.

Dr Smallwood, Trainer. Chair of NF Rotary Club and users of the QEII Pavilion
Dr Smallwood, Trainer. Chair of NF Rotary Club and users of the QEII Pavilion

Waterside Short Mat Bowls Club gave a donation of £50.00 to help this worthy cause.

Friday League 

Starts on Friday 20th October 2023. New start time 18.00.hrs.
If you cannot play then it is your responsibility to find a replacement player.  

Waterside Short Mat Bowls Club A.G.M.

The AGM was held on Friday 29th October. 26 members attended. Matters coming from the meeting were:

  • Our Chairman, Stan opened the meeting, thanked all for turning up, nice to see familiar faces from the outdoors bowls club. 
  • The Treasurer, Sue gave a detailed summery of the clubs accounts. The club is going to invest in some new fenders and blocks.
    Also the club would like to give back something to the community and is going to support a local charity. This years charity is going to be the Oakhaven Hospice, monies raised over the year and a donation from the club will be given to them later on.
  • The committee had agreed to stand for another year and was voted in on block.
  • Club Secretary, Mick explained to the members the club had joined the Test Valley Short Mat Bowls League, this would give the club more places to play at meeting new clubs.
  • The Friday League is now going to start at 18.00, this will allow members who live a distance away to get home not so late at night. 
  • Club Secretary made a special announcement, that after playing at Waterside Short Mat Bowls Club for nearly 27 years, winning all the different competitions on the way and the Men' Singles for the fifth this year.
    Mickey Frampton was given the honorable award of Life Membership.
    Stan presented Mickey with his award and Life Membership Card. 
  • The meeting ended at 19.00. 

A Roll Up took place, an impromptu raffle was held and raised over £30.00. 

First Test Valley League Match.
Away game against Winterslow Growmore Sunday 8th October 14.00hrs  

Friendly Triples 
At home against Bursledon Saturday  23rd September. Nine+ players required. See noticeboard. 

HCSMBA and ESMBA Affiliation 2023-2024

Affiliation to the county will be due shortly and the ESMBA is asking for them to be completed earlier than usual. This doesn't help with club members still involved in outdoor competitions.

Mick will be sending emails to all members to ask what your intentions are for the coming year. 

Update Affiliation membership sent off 29th August, awaiting conformation from Membership Secretary. 

Hampshire County and National Final Competitions 2023-2024

Please see noticeboard for the dates of the competitions, take careful note of the closing dates as some are coming up soon. See Mick for entry forms.

Waterside Short Mat Bowls Club is Joining the Test Valley Short Mat Bowls Association League.

This will allow the club to play against 7 other clubs dotted in and around the New Forest area and going towards Salisbury, there will be seven home games and seven away games to be played from September to March the following year. As well as the league there are some knockout competitions you can enter on individual player basis. See the Noticeboard for more details.

Invite Friendly Triples at Hythe SMBC

We have been invited to a friendly triples competition with Hythe SMBC. at Hythe and Dibden Parish Hall Friday 21st June. See the Competition News page for the results.

This week and next week

Hampshire County Friendly away to West Sussex
We took a team of five to Six Villages Sports Center Chichester. Played against four other West Sussex teams in pairs and triples. We gave it a good go, Sue and Sandra one of their pairs games but the rest of of our games ended in losses.
Then end result over the whole competition, West Sussex beat Hampshire 33-18 points.

There are two County Friendly home games in August against West Sussex and Surry so we can can put in two more teams to support Hampshire.

Friendly away game at Bursledon SMBC Saturday 17th June 13.00-16.30 ish.
playing triples over three mats, we are taking nine players, more can play and we will split the teams. should be a good afternoon. See Competition News for the result of the game. 


Dates for your Diary

Monday 8th May. Members are invited to a Royal Roll Up with Posh Nosh to follow
Who's The Baby? Bring a photo of yourselves, Mick will put them on the whiteboard then others have to guess who the pictures belong to!!

Fun, Food, Music, your company and much more. What else do we need!!

What do you when at  loose end at the weekend?

Well young Emma was planning a day of "podgering" about last Saturday when she got a phone call from her Grandson asking if she fancied a game of bowls, thinking it was a roll up Emma said "yes please" Then finds out she was going to play in a competition in the Test Valley League. So off she went and played in the Doubles Competition with David. They got through to the Finals with Emma playing against loads of people she had never met! Well, unfortunately they came second but Emma did say she really enjoyed the day. Well done Emma   

Couple of competitions coming up

We have been invited to play in the White Horse SMBC open fours tournament, Wiltshire. Sunday 5th February look on the Competition News page to see how we get on

Gordon Beere Trophy

Yes, Victoria Park are coming to us on March 12th, it is three years since we last played. All due to you know what!! It shut the world down. We tried to get over to the Isle of Wight in November last year but the ferries were cancelled. You will see the results on Competition News page

Club Christmas Break

The Chairman and the Committee would like to wish all members a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

After our Christmas Coffee Morning and raising £100 for the Hythe Pier Restoration Fund.

We are closed over the Christmas, open on Wednesday 28th December, normal time 10.00-12.00. Then closed over the New Year and opening on Wednesday 4th January 2023. Friday League resumes on Friday 6h January 19.00. 

Waterside Short Mat Bowls Club A.G.M.

The AGM was held on Friday 30th October. 26 members attended. Matters coming from the meeting were:

  • Mick Potter has stood down as Chairman so he can concentrate on the club's vacant Honorary Secretary post. 
  • Stan Taylor was voted in as the new Chairman and is looking forward to the challenge. 
  • Bob Wellington has taken on the arduous task of Friday League Secretary. Jean Renyard was thanked for running the League effortlessly over the past years.
  • The question has been asked to find ideas on how the heating can be fixed in the QEII Sports Pavilion as Fawley Parish Council are not going to repair the failed system due to lack of funds nor offering anything as an interim measure during the coming cold months. So, if anyone can help then please contact the club. 
    (Footnote. Fawley Parish Council has since fitted overhead radiant heating in the hall area which can be turned on by the users of the hall and it is more than cosy!)

A 100-up prize draw had been run over the last few weeks leading up to the AGM, £50 collected in total. Half of the money being donated to Hythe Pier Restoration Fund. This was drawn on Friday. Sue Potter won the prize and has donated her winnings to the restoration fund. The meeting closed at 19.30 and a roll up followed.  

Yes, we got photo bombed by one of the winning team!
Yes, we got photo bombed by one of the winning team!

Hampshire County Mixed Fours Qualifier

We sent out an intrepid team to see what they could do. We had no expectations of getting anywhere, just the opportunity of gaining experience of playing in competitions. 

In the morning was a round robin of four matches, seven ends each. We managed to win 3 and loose 1, a good start.

In the afternoon we were straight into to the Semi Final but lost that 3-10. They were good. So, then we were put into a 3rd and 4th place play off. This we managed to win 7-6 after a measure for 2nd wood!

So, dependent on place allocation we could be off to the National Finals next year!  

Waterside Short Mat Bowls Club Annual General Meeting 2022

Dear Members

Please note the clubs A.G.M. is being held on Friday 30th September 2022 18.00 for 18.30 start. followed by a free Roll Up please attend.

Letters to be sent out this week with A.G.M. agenda. A list of nominations of Committee Members is on the club's notice board for your attention. 

The Queens Platinum Jubilee

Bowls and Fish "N" Chips Supper

On Friday 3rd June we had our normal Roll Up on the three mats. Then at 8 '0' clock a Fish and Chips Supper was delivered by Zoutorias in Blackfield right on time to feed 25 hungry bowlers. The raffle raised £30.00, then with the mat fees collected and a donation. This made £120 to be given to a chosen charity. The money is going to the Hythe Pier Heritage Association. A worthwhile local charity.   

Waterside Team A. Plate Competition Runners Up
Waterside Team A. Plate Competition Runners Up

Shipton Bellinger open Triples

28th May 2020

We put in two teams into the competition to see how we faired. There was a round robin in the morning playing three other teams including ourselves. 

In the afternoon both our teams were in the Plate Competition. Again, team A had to play Team B to see who went through to the final. Team A came out on top winning in the last end by two shots. That put Team A into the final, they tried their hardest but they were beaten by The Good Old Boys (a Bellinger team) Team B took 4th place

Singles Final and Presentation Night

This was held at the QEII Building as the Skittles Night had to be cancelled. 

The Ladies Final was between Lyn Brown and Sandra Bradley. Sandra got off to a good start leading 7-2. Lynn fought back as Sandra got stuck on 7 points, then went in to the lead by one point. It was nip and tuck with the scores tied on 10 points each going into the final end. There, Sandra took the last end to win by 2 points. 10-12. A good hard fought game.

The Men's Final was between Mick Potter and Micky Frampton. This game went point for point for the first few ends then Mickey started to pull away picking off 2s and 3s on the next 3 ends. Finally Micky cruised to a final score of 10-12 not really getting out of 2nd gear. 

There to present the prizes and Trophies for 2022 was Competition and Match Secretary, Dave Renyard. Results can be seen on the Hall Of Fame page. A special thank you to Jean Renyard for getting the Friday League to run smoothly as usual. This was followed by cake and cup if tea (we know how to live it up!) then a Roll Up and a natter. 

Spring Mixed Triples 13th March 2022

The Competition took place on Sunday and although we were two players short it all went well.

We had two teams with just two players and four teams with the full compliment of three players. We used the Missing Player Rule but both teams fared very well with one of the teams getting through to the Final!

To make it a fairer final it was decide to pull a spare player "out of the hat" to make up a team of three, this was agreed by other the team of three already in the final.

Over the ten ends it was nip and tuck until the last three ends when Team A pulled away and beat Team B by 16 to 10 shots.

The Triples Trophy will be given at the Skittles and Presentation Evening In April

Note to all members

Next Monday, 21st Feb. No Singles competitions as the QEII Pavilion is used 10.00-13.00 for a very nice lady, Lisa who cooks hundreds meal for some kids who normally would have free school meals. Normal Roll Up 14.00-16.00

Next Wednesday, 23rd Feb. Roll Up time has changed. 10.30-12.30. This is to accommodate an exercise class that needs to move to the QEII pavilion 09.30-10.15 due to School Kids Club at Gang Warily for the half term. (Feel free to join in)

Next Friday 25th Feb. Due to there being insufficient players, the Friday League matches planned for: Friday 25th February 2022 are being cancelled.

There is no date available for these matches to be played at a later date.

A Roll Up will take place for the remaining members. The time will remain the same 19.00 until 21.30.

Sunday 13th March (only date I could get). Spring Mixed Triples 09.30 start. Round robin matches then final in the afternoon. All welcome to play, need 18 players. See notice board for more details

Friday 22nd April. Skittles & Presentation Night at the Hythe Club. Ploughman's £4.50 her head. See notice board for more details.